Exalt God
Our Mission
Edify His People
Evangelize The World
Our Vision
Cornerstone’s vision is to bring the saved and unsaved, churched and unchurched into an authentic, committed, and worshipful relationship with God; knowing, believing, and following the Bible; and living the abundant Christian life with a loving and committed church family while reaching out to others.
Our Beliefs
The Holy Bible is the inerrant, verbally inspired, Word of God – the final authority on what we believe and do.
There is one true God existing as the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He exists eternally as God, but to become a sinless man, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin. Jesus died to pay the penalty for the sins of the world. Those who ask for forgiveness for their sins and follow His commandments are forgiven and brought into right relationship with God. After His death on the cross, He was buried, resurrected, and ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.
The Holy Spirit is God. He is active in the conviction of sin, the regeneration of Christians, and the empowerment of Christians. Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues.
God created the heavenly hosts including angels who are His messengers to do His will. Satan is a fallen cherub, and because of his rebellion, he and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven and to the earth. Satan is active in the world to steal, kill, and destroy but will ultimately be removed and punished eternally in the Lake of Fire.
God created man and woman in His image and with a free will. God desires to be in relationship with man. God has a plan and purpose for every life. Life begins at conception and there are only two genders (sexes) – male and female. It is God’s will for people to live identifying as and representing the gender (sex) that is determined by their chromosomes and genitals at birth. God’s will is for marriage to be between one man and one woman and for sexual relations to be only between a husband and his wife.
Because of the sin of Adam, all humanity is in a fallen state, is doomed for eternal punishment, and needs a savior.
Because of the grace of God, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind. All who believe in Jesus, ask Jesus to forgive their sins, and follow Jesus as Savior will receive mercy by having their sins forgiven. Christians will be saved from eternal punishment and will live with God for eternity in heaven.
Christians should regularly communicate with God through prayer, praise, and worship; study the Bible following its commands and instructions; attend church receiving and giving support; and tell others about Jesus. (Christian Life)
All Christians comprise the body of Christ, the church. These are called out of the world and together for God’s purpose. The church is called to exalt God, edify Christians, and evangelize the world.
Water Baptism and Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) are to be practiced by Christians. (Ordinances)
Jesus’s return to rapture His church is imminent. Raptured Christians will receive glorified bodies and rewards (Marriage Supper of the Lamb). There will be a seven year tribulation period followed by Jesus’ return to earth with His saints and angels to battle against Satan (Armageddon). Satan will be bound for a 1000 years (Millennium) whereupon Jesus will reign, and there will be peace on earth. At the end of this period, Satan will be loosed for a season to deceive mankind, but God will terminate this final rebellion. There will be a judgment of all the wicked (The Great White Throne Judgment). The unsaved, Satan, and the fallen angels will be punished eternally in the Lake of Fire. After the earth is cleansed by fire, a new heaven and a new earth will be established for the eternal reward of those who have been saved.